It's exciting when the piece actually starts looking like I had envisioned in the sketch. There's still a long way to go, but we're definitely gettin' there!
I enjoy spending time with friends and family but I also love being alone for long periods of time. I like to stay up late and sleep in late. I enjoy teaching art and encouraging creativity in others. I am more spiritual than I am religious. I am a member of the Religious Society of Friends, and live and work at Pendle Hill, a Quaker retreat center near Philadelphia. Someday I hope to have a home and studio in a beautiful, semi-rural place, where I can focus full time on being a sculptor. For now my career goals are to continue to offer excellent teaching and spiritual nurture to my students; develop a strong body of sculpture work and find places to show it; learn how to use the CS4 design software on my new Mac; design a web site; and network with other artists. I am married to Larry (also an artist) and I have two children. Sarah is 20 and Benjamin is 18.
It's looking really good so far, I'll be excited to see the finished product when it's done!